Our Doctors of Chiropractic focus on finding nerve interferences and make adjustments using their hands and cutting edge tools so that the body can function optimally as a whole.

Our approach to massage therapy involves the manipulation of soft tissues to enhance physical and mental well-being, alleviate tension, and promote relaxation

We use ancient Chinese medicine techniques including the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, alleviate pain, and promote overall well-being.

skin therapy
We perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures to enhance and rejuvenate the skin's appearance, addressing concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, and skin texture.

heat + light therapy
Our infrared Sauna combined with red light therapy penetrates the body's deep tissues to promote healing at the cellular level.

energy healing
Gina is a polarity therapist, reflexologist, reiki master, and breathwork coach who is committed to supporting you in your process to strengthen your alignment with YOU!

mental health therapy
Life can sometimes lose its sparkle. Maureen, can help you find new ways forward, creating new rhythms of calm, comfort, safety, and sanctuary.

We believe self care comes first. Each of our experienced practitioners has a unique skill that can help you to feel your best physically and mentally.